pain or not, i would most likely walk around in a suicidal reverie the rest of my life, never actually doing anything about it. was therea psychological term for that? was there a disease that involved intense desire to die, but no will to actually go through with it? couldn't talkand thoughts of suicide be considered a whole malady of their own, a special subcategory of depression in which the loss of of a will to livehas not quite been displaced by a determination to die? in those pamphlets that they give at mental health centers where they list ten or sosymptoms that would indicate a clinical depression, "suicide threats" or even simple "talk of suicide" is considered cause for concern. i guessthe point is that what's just talk one day may become real activity the next. so perhaps after these years of walking around withthese germinal feelings, these raw thoughts, these scattered moments of saying i wish i were dead, eventually i too,sooner or later, would succumb to the death urge. - elizabeth wurtzel, prozac nation